Flash – Winter Banner
I’ve created this flash banner during university as part of my 2nd year web module. It’s in a wide skyscraper banner format (160×600) at just over 100kb in file size.
Several types of tween were used to create the different elements of animation on the banner. Motion guide was applied to create a path for Santa Claus to move from side to side and on the snowflakes, Alpha was used to create transparency and a gradual fade.
While I was creating this piece I had considered how the viewer would observe the banner and where would the eyes be looking. The movement of Santa Claus will help draw the viewer to look from the top of the banner, across to the slogan in the centre and then at the bottom where the branding is located.
Since it is a banner that repeats itself continuously, I tried to put lots of small details in to keep it visually pleasing and interesting for long periods of viewing.
I think this commercial banner could be universally applied to most branding as it’s visually clean and simple. I’m very pleased with the end result as it’s subtle and yet interesting at the same time.